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231 - 240 of 1416 for Gompertz ConstantSearch Results

Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function, and define the aliquot sequence of n by ...
The spherical curve obtained when moving along the surface of a sphere with constant speed, while maintaining a constant angular velocity with respect to a fixed diameter ...
Ein(z) = int_0^z((1-e^(-t))dt)/t (1) = E_1(z)+lnz+gamma, (2) where gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and E_1 is the En-function with n=1.
Let V(r) be the volume of a ball of radius r in a complete n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Ricci curvature tensor >=(n-1)kappa. Then V(r)<=V_kappa(r), where V_kappa is ...
The trilinear coordinates alpha:beta:gamma of a point P relative to a reference triangle are proportional to the directed distances a^':b^':c^' from P to the side lines of ...
Let U subset= C be a domain, and let f be an analytic function on U. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|>=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. The ...
A geometric series sum_(k)a_k is a series for which the ratio of each two consecutive terms a_(k+1)/a_k is a constant function of the summation index k. The more general case ...
A set n distinct numbers taken from the interval [1,n^2] form a magic series if their sum is the nth magic constant M_n=1/2n(n^2+1) (Kraitchik 1942, p. 143). If the sum of ...
The E_n(x) function is defined by the integral E_n(x)=int_1^infty(e^(-xt)dt)/(t^n) (1) and is given by the Wolfram Language function ExpIntegralE[n, x]. Defining t=eta^(-1) ...
Defining p_0=2, p_n as the nth odd prime, and the nth prime gap as g_n=p_(n+1)-p_n, then the Cramér-Granville conjecture states that g_n<M(lnp_n)^2 for some constant M>1.
