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A root of a polynomial P(z) is a number z_i such that P(z_i)=0. The fundamental theorem of algebra states that a polynomial P(z) of degree n has n roots, some of which may be ...
There are two kinds of power sums commonly considered. The first is the sum of pth powers of a set of n variables x_k, S_p(x_1,...,x_n)=sum_(k=1)^nx_k^p, (1) and the second ...
secz is the trigonometric function defined by secz = 1/(cosz) (1) = 2/(e^(iz)+e^(-iz)), (2) where cosz is the cosine. The secant is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Sierpiński gasket graph of order n is the graph obtained from the connectivity of the Sierpiński sieve. The first few Sierpiński gasket graphs are illustrated above. S_2 ...
The Skewes number (or first Skewes number) is the number Sk_1 above which pi(n)<li(n) must fail (assuming that the Riemann hypothesis is true), where pi(n) is the prime ...
Synthetic division is a shortcut method for dividing two polynomials which can be used in place of the standard long division algorithm. This method reduces the dividend and ...
The base-3 method of counting in which only the digits 0, 1, and 2 are used. Ternary numbers arise in a number of problems in mathematics, including some problems of ...
The toroidal crossing number cr_(1)(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of crossings with which G can be drawn on a torus. A planar graph has toroidal crossing number 0, ...
Given a reference triangle DeltaABC, the trilinear coordinates of a point P with respect to DeltaABC are an ordered triple of numbers, each of which is proportional to the ...
A Turing machine is a theoretical computing machine invented by Alan Turing (1937) to serve as an idealized model for mathematical calculation. A Turing machine consists of a ...
