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The pentanacci numbers are a generalization of the Fibonacci numbers defined by P_0=0, P_1=1, P_2=1, P_3=2, P_4=4, and the recurrence relation ...
A graphical plot with abscissa given by the number p of consecutive numbers constituting a single period and ordinate given by the correlation ratio eta. The equation of the ...
The length of the polygonal spiral is found by noting that the ratio of inradius to circumradius of a regular polygon of n sides is r/R=(cot(pi/n))/(csc(pi/n))=cos(pi/n). (1) ...
A stadium, also called a discorectangle, obround, or sausage body, is a geometric figure consisting of a rectangle with top and bottom lengths a whose ends are capped off ...
The tribonacci constant is ratio to which adjacent tribonacci numbers tend, and is given by t = (x^3-x^2-x-1)_1 (1) = 1/3(1+RadicalBox[{19, -, 3, {sqrt(, 33, )}}, ...
Define the nome by q=e^(-piK^'(k)/K(k))=e^(ipitau), (1) where K(k) is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind with modulus k, K^'(k)=K(sqrt(1-k^2)) is the ...
There are four completely different definitions of the so-called Apollonius circles: 1. The set of all points whose distances from two fixed points are in a constant ratio ...
Archimedes' axiom, also known as the continuity axiom or Archimedes' lemma, survives in the writings of Eudoxus (Boyer and Merzbach 1991), but the term was first coined by ...
If two perpendicular lines are drawn through the orthocenter H of any triangle, these lines intercept each side (or its extension) in two points (labeled P_(12), P_(12)^', ...
The Gini coefficient (or Gini ratio) G is a summary statistic of the Lorenz curve and a measure of inequality in a population. The Gini coefficient is most easily calculated ...
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