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In 1611, Kepler proposed that close packing (either cubic or hexagonal close packing, both of which have maximum densities of pi/(3sqrt(2)) approx 74.048%) is the densest ...
There exist infinitely many n>0 with p_n^2>p_(n-i)p_(n+i) for all i<n, where p_n is the nth prime. Also, there exist infinitely many n>0 such that 2p_n<p_(n-i)+p_(n+i) for ...
Define a Bouniakowsky polynomial as an irreducible polynomial f(x) with integer coefficients, degree >1, and GCD(f(1),f(2),...)=1. The Bouniakowsky conjecture states that ...
Define the harmonic mean of the divisors of n H(n)=(sigma_0(n))/(sum_(d|n)1/d), where sigma_0(n) is the divisor function (the number of divisors of n). For n=1, 2, ..., the ...
On July 10, 2003, Eric Weisstein computed the numbers of n×n (0,1)-matrices all of whose eigenvalues are real and positive, obtaining counts for n=1, 2, ... of 1, 3, 25, 543, ...
What space-filling arrangement of similar cells of equal volume has minimal surface area? This questions arises naturally in the theory of foams when the liquid content is ...
The bound for the number of colors which are sufficient for map coloring on a surface of genus g, gamma(g)=|_1/2(7+sqrt(48g+1))_| is the best possible, where |_x_| is the ...
Legendre's conjecture asserts that for every n there exists a prime p between n^2 and (n+1)^2 (Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 415; Ribenboim 1996, pp. 397-398). It is one of ...
Zarankiewicz's conjecture asserts that graph crossing number for a complete bipartite graph K_(m,n) is Z(m,n)=|_n/2_||_(n-1)/2_||_m/2_||_(m-1)/2_|, (1) where |_x_| is the ...
Tutte (1971/72) conjectured that there are no 3-connected nonhamiltonian bicubic graphs. However, a counterexample was found by J. D. Horton in 1976 (Gropp 1990), and several ...
