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A prime constellation of four successive primes with minimal distance (p,p+2,p+6,p+8). The term was coined by Paul Stäckel (1892-1919; Tietze 1965, p. 19). The quadruplet (2, ...
A graph with projective plane crossing number equal to 0 may be said to be projective planar. Examples of projective planar graphs with graph crossing number >=2 include the ...
A primality test that provides an efficient probabilistic algorithm for determining if a given number is prime. It is based on the properties of strong pseudoprimes. The ...
In 1913, Ramanujan asked if the Diophantine equation of second order 2^n-7=x^2, sometimes called the Ramanujan-Nagell equation, has any solutions other than n=3, 4, 5, 7, and ...
Let G be a graph, and suppose each edge of G is independently deleted with fixed probability 0<=p<=1. Then the probability that no connected component of G is disconnected as ...
Given the closed interval [0,x] with x>1, let one-dimensional "cars" of unit length be parked randomly on the interval. The mean number M(x) of cars which can fit (without ...
The Schur number S(k) is the largest integer n for which the interval [1,n] can be partitioned into k sum-free sets (Fredricksen and Sweet 2000). S(k) is guaranteed to exist ...
Find the minimum size square capable of bounding n equal squares arranged in any configuration. The first few cases are illustrated above (Friedman). The only packings which ...
A sum-free set S is a set for which the intersection of S and the sumset S+S is empty. For example, the sum-free sets of {1,2,3} are emptyset, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,3}, and ...
The mean tetrahedron volume of a tetrahedron with vertices chosen at random inside another tetrahedron of unit volume is given by V^_ = (13)/(720)-(pi^2)/(15015) (1) = ...
