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A transcendental number is a (possibly complex) number that is not the root of any integer polynomial, meaning that it is not an algebraic number of any degree. Every real ...
In his Meditationes algebraicae, Waring (1770, 1782) proposed a generalization of Lagrange's four-square theorem, stating that every rational integer is the sum of a fixed ...
A Mersenne prime is a Mersenne number, i.e., a number of the form M_n=2^n-1, that is prime. In order for M_n to be prime, n must itself be prime. This is true since for ...
The binomial coefficient (n; k) is the number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities, also known as a combination or combinatorial number. The symbols ...
Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function. Then the sequence of numbers s^0(n)=n,s^1(n)=s(n),s^2(n)=s(s(n)),... ...
Baillie and Wagstaff (1980) and Pomerance et al. (1980, Pomerance 1984) proposed a test (or rather a related set of tests) based on a combination of strong pseudoprimes and ...
Brocard's problem asks to find the values of n for which n!+1 is a square number m^2, where n! is the factorial (Brocard 1876, 1885). The only known solutions are n=4, 5, and ...
The nth central trinomial coefficient is defined as the coefficient of x^n in the expansion of (1+x+x^2)^n. It is therefore the middle column of the trinomial triangle, i.e., ...
The (upper) clique number of a graph G, denoted omega(G), is the number of vertices in a maximum clique of G. Equivalently, it is the size of a largest clique or maximal ...
A complete k-partite graph is a k-partite graph (i.e., a set of graph vertices decomposed into k disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are ...
