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A bicubic graph is a bipartite cubic graph. Tutte (1971) conjectured that all 3-connected bicubic graphs are Hamiltonian (the Tutte conjecture), but a number of bicubic ...
Chebyshev noticed that the remainder upon dividing the primes by 4 gives 3 more often than 1, as plotted above in the left figure. Similarly, dividing the primes by 3 gives 2 ...
Given an expression involving known constants, integration in finite terms, computation of limits, etc., the constant problem is the determination of if the expression is ...
Given an arithmetic progression of terms an+b, for n=1, 2, ..., the series contains an infinite number of primes if a and b are relatively prime, i.e., (a,b)=1. This result ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Ellingham and Horton. These graphs on 54 and 78 nodes respectively, illustrated above, are examples of 3-connected bicubic ...
Milnor (1956) found more than one smooth structure on the seven-dimensional hypersphere. Generalizations have subsequently been found in other dimensions. Using surgery ...
Consider the Euclid numbers defined by E_k=1+p_k#, where p_k is the kth prime and p# is the primorial. The first few values of E_k are 3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511, ... ...
Let L be an extension field of K, denoted L/K, and let G be the set of automorphisms of L/K, that is, the set of automorphisms sigma of L such that sigma(x)=x for every x in ...
Gelfond's theorem, also called the Gelfond-Schneider theorem, states that a^b is transcendental if 1. a is algebraic !=0,1 and 2. b is algebraic and irrational. This provides ...
Hadjicostas's formula is a generalization of the unit square double integral gamma=int_0^1int_0^1(x-1)/((1-xy)ln(xy))dxdy (1) (Sondow 2003, 2005; Borwein et al. 2004, p. 49), ...
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