
Search Results for "Goldbach Conjecture"

251 - 260 of 702 for Goldbach ConjectureSearch Results
A Wieferich prime is a prime p which is a solution to the congruence equation 2^(p-1)=1 (mod p^2). (1) Note the similarity of this expression to the special case of Fermat's ...
Define the packing density eta of a packing of spheres to be the fraction of a volume filled by the spheres. In three dimensions, there are three periodic packings for ...
Define the first Brocard point as the interior point Omega of a triangle for which the angles ∠OmegaAB, ∠OmegaBC, and ∠OmegaCA are equal to an angle omega. Similarly, define ...
An elliptic curve of the form y^2=x^3+n for n an integer. This equation has a finite number of solutions in integers for all nonzero n. If (x,y) is a solution, it therefore ...
An addition chain for a number n is a sequence 1=a_0<a_1<...<a_r=n, such that each member after a_0 is the sum of two earlier (not necessarily distinct) ones. The number r is ...
A number that is "close" to (but not equal to) zero may be called an almost zero. In contrast, a number or expression that is equal to zero is said to be identically zero. ...
Let K_1^n and K_2^n be disjoint bicollared knots in R^(n+1) or S^(n+1) and let U denote the open region between them. Then the closure of U is a closed annulus S^n×[0,1]. ...
An ansatz is an assumed form for a mathematical statement that is not based on any underlying theory or principle. An example from physics is the Bethe Ansatz (Müller).
A vaguely defined branch of mathematics dealing with varieties, the Mordell conjecture, Arakelov theory, and elliptic curves.
Let M be a compact n-dimensional manifold with injectivity radius inj(M). Then Vol(M)>=(c_ninj(M))/pi, with equality iff M is isometric to the standard round sphere S^n with ...
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