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Although the rigidity theorem states that if the faces of a convex polyhedron are made of metal plates and the polyhedron edges are replaced by hinges, the polyhedron would ...
The regular tessellation {6,3} consisting of regular hexagons (i.e., a hexagonal grid). In general, the term honeycomb is used to refer to a tessellation in n dimensions for ...
"Brick" is an informal term for a cuboid.
For a finite group of h elements with an n_ith dimensional ith irreducible representation, sum_(i)n_i^2=h.
The sporadic group HJ, also denoted J_2.
The function lambda(n)=(-1)^(Omega(n)), (1) where Omega(n) is the number of not necessarily distinct prime factors of n, with Omega(1)=0. The values of lambda(n) for n=1, 2, ...
Combine the two above squares on the left into the single large square on the right.
A finite group L is quasisimple if L=[L,L] and L/Z(L) is a simple group.
A property of finite simple groups which is known for all such groups.
B_(p+k)=B_k+B_(k+1) (mod p), when p is prime and B_n is a Bell number.
