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Define g(k) as the quantity appearing in Waring's problem, then Euler conjectured that g(k)=2^k+|_(3/2)^k_|-2, where |_x_| is the floor function.
Grimm conjectured that if n+1, n+2, ..., n+k are all composite numbers, then there are distinct primes p_(i_j) such that p_(i_j)|(n+j) for 1<=j<=k.
The Mordell conjecture states that Diophantine equations that give rise to surfaces with two or more holes have only finite many solutions in Gaussian integers with no common ...
The Hodge conjecture asserts that, for particularly nice types of spaces called projective algebraic varieties, the pieces called Hodge cycles are actually rational linear ...
Andrica's conjecture states that, for p_n the nth prime number, the inequality A_n=sqrt(p_(n+1))-sqrt(p_n)<1 holds, where the discrete function A_n is plotted above. The ...
Every smooth nonzero vector field on the 3-sphere has at least one closed orbit. The conjecture was proposed in 1950 and proved true for Hopf maps. The conjecture was ...
The first of the Hardy-Littlewood conjectures. The k-tuple conjecture states that the asymptotic number of prime constellations can be computed explicitly. In particular, ...
The nth coefficient in the power series of a univalent function should be no greater than n. In other words, if f(z)=a_0+a_1z+a_2z^2+...+a_nz^n+... is a conformal mapping of ...
Define the zeta function of a variety over a number field by taking the product over all prime ideals of the zeta functions of this variety reduced modulo the primes. Hasse ...
A conjecture which relates the minimal elliptic discriminant of an elliptic curve to the j-conductor. If true, it would imply Fermat's last theorem for sufficiently large ...
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