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1861 - 1870 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results

Given a plane ax+by+cz+d=0 (1) and a point x_0=(x_0,y_0,z_0), the normal vector to the plane is given by v=[a; b; c], (2) and a vector from the plane to the point is given by ...
In finding the average area A^__R of a triangle chosen from a closed, bounded, convex region R of the plane, then A^__(T(R))=A^__R, for T any nonsingular affine ...
A Poulet number is a Fermat pseudoprime to base 2, denoted psp(2), i.e., a composite number n such that 2^(n-1)=1 (mod n). The first few Poulet numbers are 341, 561, 645, ...
A power floor prime sequence is a sequence of prime numbers {|_theta^n_|}_n, where |_x_| is the floor function and theta>1 is real number. It is unknown if, though extremely ...
A formula of first-order logic is in prenex normal form if it is of the form Q_1x_1...Q_nx_nM, (1) where each Q_i is a quantifier forall ("for all") or exists ("exists") and ...
There exist a variety of formulas for either producing the nth prime as a function of n or taking on only prime values. However, all such formulas require either extremely ...
Let a!=b, A, and B denote positive integers satisfying (a,b)=1 (A,B)=1, (i.e., both pairs are relatively prime), and suppose every prime p=B (mod A) with (p,2ab)=1 is ...
A principal ideal domain is an integral domain in which every proper ideal can be generated by a single element. The term "principal ideal domain" is often abbreviated P.I.D. ...
Almost all processes that are not obviously simple can be viewed as computations of equivalent sophistication (Wolfram 2002, pp. 5 and 716-717). More specifically, the ...
A property that is always fulfilled by the product of topological spaces, if it is fulfilled by each single factor. Examples of productive properties are connectedness, and ...
