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1571 - 1580 of 2377 for Goedels Incompleteness TheoremSearch Results

A polygon which has both a circumcircle (which touches each vertex) and an incircle (which is tangent to each side). All triangles are bicentric with R^2-x^2=2Rr, (1) where R ...
A braid is an intertwining of some number of strings attached to top and bottom "bars" such that each string never "turns back up." In other words, the path of each string in ...
Given two normal subgroups G_1 and G_2 of a group, and two normal subgroups H_1 and H_2 of G_1 and G_2 respectively, H_1(G_1 intersection H_2) is normal in H_1(G_1 ...
In plane geometry, a chord is the line segment joining two points on a curve. The term is often used to describe a line segment whose ends lie on a circle. The term is also ...
Take K a number field and m a divisor of K. A congruence subgroup H is defined as a subgroup of the group of all fractional ideals relative prime to m (I_K^m) that contains ...
The constant a_(-1) in the Laurent series f(z)=sum_(n=-infty)^inftya_n(z-z_0)^n (1) of f(z) about a point z_0 is called the residue of f(z). If f is analytic at z_0, its ...
Given an expression involving known constants, integration in finite terms, computation of limits, etc., the constant problem is the determination of if the expression is ...
A cyclic number is an (n-1)-digit integer that, when multiplied by 1, 2, 3, ..., n-1, produces the same digits in a different order. Cyclic numbers are generated by the full ...
Let f be a real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b] and let x_0 in (a,b). The four one-sided limits D^+f(x_0)=lim sup_(x->x_0+)(f(x)-f(x_0))/(x-x_0), (1) ...
A dissection fallacy is an apparent paradox arising when two plane figures with different areas seem to be composed by the same finite set of parts. In order to produce this ...
