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The nth Ramanujan prime is the smallest number R_n such that pi(x)-pi(x/2)>=n for all x>=R_n, where pi(x) is the prime counting function. In other words, there are at least n ...
The vector Laplacian can be generalized to yield the tensor Laplacian A_(munu;lambda)^(;lambda) = (g^(lambdakappa)A_(munu;lambda))_(;kappa) (1) = ...
A system of equation types obtained by generalizing the differential equation for the normal distribution (dy)/(dx)=(y(m-x))/a, (1) which has solution y=Ce^((2m-x)x/(2a)), ...
If f(z) is meromorphic in a region R enclosed by a contour gamma, let N be the number of complex roots of f(z) in gamma, and P be the number of poles in gamma, with each zero ...
For a graph vertex x of a graph, let Gamma_x and Delta_x denote the subgraphs of Gamma-x induced by the graph vertices adjacent to and nonadjacent to x, respectively. The ...
There are two incompatible definitions of the squircle. The first defines the squircle as the quartic plane curve which is special case of the superellipse with a=b and r=4, ...
If x is a regular patch on a regular surface in R^3 with normal N^^, then x_(uu) = Gamma_(11)^1x_u+Gamma_(11)^2x_v+eN^^ (1) x_(uv) = Gamma_(12)^1x_u+Gamma_(12)^2x_v+fN^^ (2) ...
The 34 distinct convergent hypergeometric series of order two enumerated by Horn (1931) and corrected by Borngässer (1933). There are 14 complete series for which ...
A tube of radius r of a set gamma is the set of points at a distance r from gamma. In particular, if gamma(t) is a regular space curve whose curvature does not vanish, then ...
The n-ball, denoted B^n, is the interior of a sphere S^(n-1), and sometimes also called the n-disk. (Although physicists often use the term "sphere" to mean the solid ball, ...
