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1341 - 1350 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results
A problem posed by L. Collatz in 1937, also called the 3x+1 mapping, 3n+1 problem, Hasse's algorithm, Kakutani's problem, Syracuse algorithm, Syracuse problem, Thwaites ...
The cube is the Platonic solid composed of six square faces that meet each other at right angles and has eight vertices and 12 edges. It is also the uniform polyhedron with ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...
An arithmetic progression of primes is a set of primes of the form p_1+kd for fixed p_1 and d and consecutive k, i.e., {p_1,p_1+d,p_1+2d,...}. For example, 199, 409, 619, ...
A prime gap of length n is a run of n-1 consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes p_k and p_(k+1) ...
The regular dodecahedron, often simply called "the" dodecahedron, is the Platonic solid composed of 20 polyhedron vertices, 30 polyhedron edges, and 12 pentagonal faces, ...
The Catalan numbers on nonnegative integers n are a set of numbers that arise in tree enumeration problems of the type, "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into ...
A definite integral is an integral int_a^bf(x)dx (1) with upper and lower limits. If x is restricted to lie on the real line, the definite integral is known as a Riemann ...
First published in Riemann's groundbreaking 1859 paper (Riemann 1859), the Riemann hypothesis is a deep mathematical conjecture which states that the nontrivial Riemann zeta ...
There are many formulas of pi of many types. Among others, these include series, products, geometric constructions, limits, special values, and pi iterations. pi is ...
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