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121 - 130 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results
For a positive integer n, (2pi)^((n-1)/2)n^(1/2-nz)Gamma(nz)=product_(k=0)^(n-1)Gamma(z+k/n),
_3F_2[n,-x,-y; x+n+1,y+n+1] =Gamma(x+n+1)Gamma(y+n+1)Gamma(1/2n+1)Gamma(x+y+1/2n+1) ×Gamma(n+1)Gamma(x+y+n+1)Gamma(x+1/2n+1)Gamma(y+1/2n+1), (1) where _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a ...
sum_(k=0)^(infty)[((m)_k)/(k!)]^3 = 1+(m/1)^3+[(m(m+1))/(1·2)]^3+... (1) = (Gamma(1-3/2m))/([Gamma(1-1/2m)]^3)cos(1/2mpi), (2) where (m)_k is a Pochhammer symbol and Gamma(z) ...
Let q be a positive integer, then Gamma_0(q) is defined as the set of all matrices [a b; c d] in the modular group Gamma Gamma with c=0 (mod q). Gamma_0(q) is a subgroup of ...
The symbol defined by c^(a/b) = c(c+b)(c+2b)...[c+(a-1)b] (1) = b^a(c/b)_a (2) = (b^aGamma(a+c/b))/(Gamma(c/b)), (3) where (a)_n is the Pochhammer symbol and Gamma(z) is the ...
Define I_n=(-1)^nint_0^infty(lnz)^ne^(-z)dz, (1) then I_n=(-1)^nGamma^((n))(1), (2) where Gamma^((n))(z) is the nth derivative of the gamma function. Particular values ...
For R[mu+nu]>1, int_(-pi/2)^(pi/2)cos^(mu+nu-2)thetae^(itheta(mu-nu+2xi))dtheta=(piGamma(mu+nu-1))/(2^(mu+nu-2)Gamma(mu+xi)Gamma(nu-xi)), where Gamma(z) is the gamma function.
The integral representation of ln[Gamma(z)] by lnGamma(z) = int_1^zpsi_0(z^')dz^' (1) = int_0^infty[(z-1)-(1-e^(-(z-1)t))/(1-e^(-t))](e^(-t))/tdt, (2) where lnGamma(z) is the ...
A special function which is given by the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (or, depending on the definition, the logarithmic derivative of the factorial). Because ...
Another name for the confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind, defined by where Gamma(x) is the gamma function and _1F_1(a;b;z) is the confluent hypergeometric ...
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