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The Cayley-Menger determinant is a determinant that gives the volume of a simplex in j dimensions. If S is a j-simplex in R^n with vertices v_1,...,v_(j+1) and B=(beta_(ik)) ...
Let each of f(a,b,c) and g(a,b,c) be a triangle center function or the zero function, and let one of the following three conditions hold. 1. The degree of homogeneity of g ...
Let A denote an R-algebra, so that A is a vector space over R and A×A->A (1) (x,y)|->x·y. (2) Now define Z={x in A:x·y=0 for some y in A!=0}, (3) where 0 in Z. An Associative ...
The Copeland-Erdős constant is the constant with decimal expansion 0.23571113171923... (OEIS A033308) obtained by concatenating consecutive primes: 2, 23, 235, 2357, 235711, ...
The Coulomb wave function is a special case of the confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind. It gives the solution to the radial Schrödinger equation in the ...
A cubic spline is a spline constructed of piecewise third-order polynomials which pass through a set of m control points. The second derivative of each polynomial is commonly ...
A double-toroidal graph is a graph with graph genus 2 (West 2000, p. 266). Planar and toroidal graphs are therefore not double-toroidal. Some known double-toroidal graphs on ...
If a complex function is analytic at all finite points of the complex plane C, then it is said to be entire, sometimes also called "integral" (Knopp 1996, p. 112). Any ...
Four-dimensional geometry is Euclidean geometry extended into one additional dimension. The prefix "hyper-" is usually used to refer to the four- (and higher-) dimensional ...
In 1757, V. Riccati first recorded the generalizations of the hyperbolic functions defined by F_(n,r)^alpha(x)=sum_(k=0)^infty(alpha^k)/((nk+r)!)x^(nk+r), (1) for r=0, ..., ...
