
Search Results for "Frullanis Integral"

771 - 780 of 1230 for Frullanis IntegralSearch Results
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A lattice endomorphism is a mapping h:L->L that preserves both meets and joins.
Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. A lattice isomorphism is a one-to-one and onto lattice homomorphism.
The term "left factorial" is sometimes used to refer to the subfactorial !n, the first few values for n=1, 2, ... are 1, 3, 9, 33, 153, 873, 5913, ... (OEIS A007489). ...
A fractal curve, also called the C-curve (Gosper 1972). The base curve and motif are illustrated below. Duvall and Keesling (1999) proved that the Hausdorff dimension of the ...
The limaçon trisectrix is a trisectrix that is a special case of the rose curve with n=1/3 (possibly with translation, rotation, and scaling). It was studied by Archimedes, ...
A link invariant defined for a two-component oriented link as the sum of +1 crossings and -1 crossing over all crossings between the two links divided by 2. For components ...
States that for a nondissipative Hamiltonian system, phase space density (the area between phase space contours) is constant. This requires that, given a small time increment ...
A field which is complete with respect to a discrete valuation is called a local field if its field of residue classes is finite. The Hasse principle is one of the chief ...
A topology tau on a topological vector space X=(X,tau) (with X usually assumed to be T2) is said to be locally convex if tau admits a local base at 0 consisting of balanced, ...
The log sine function, also called the logsine function, is defined by S_n=int_0^pi[ln(sinx)]^ndx. (1) The first few cases are given by S_1 = -piln2 (2) S_2 = ...
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