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8141 - 8150 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

The sequence of six 9s which begins at the 762nd decimal place of pi, pi=3.14159...134999999_()_(six 9s)837... (Wells 1986, p. 51). The positions of the first occurrences of ...
A fiber of a map f:X->Y is the preimage of an element y in Y. That is, f^(-1)(y)={x in X:f(x)=y}. For instance, let X and Y be the complex numbers C. When f(z)=z^2, every ...
A fibered category F over a topological space X consists of 1. a category F(U) for each open subset U subset= X, 2. a functor i^*:F(U)->F(V) for each inclusion i:V↪U, and 3. ...
Let F and G be fibered categories over a topological space X. A morphism phi:F->G of fibered categories consists of: 1. a functor phi(U):F->G(U) for each open subset U ...
The Fibonacci factorial constant is the constant appearing in the asymptotic growth of the fibonorials (aka. Fibonacci factorials) n!_F. It is given by the infinite product ...
Consider a Lucas sequence with P>0 and Q=+/-1. A Fibonacci pseudoprime is a composite number n such that V_n=P (mod n). There exist no even Fibonacci pseudoprimes with ...
The Fibonacci Q-matrix is the matrix defined by Q=[F_2 F_1; F_1 F_0]=[1 1; 1 0], (1) where F_n is a Fibonacci number. Then Q^n=[F_(n+1) F_n; F_n F_(n-1)] (2) (Honsberger ...
The fibonorial n!_F, also called the Fibonacci factorial, is defined as n!_F=product_(k=1)^nF_k, where F_k is a Fibonacci number. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few fibonorials ...
The eigenvector corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue (i.e., the algebraic connectivity) of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. The Fiedler vector is used in ...
A field automorphism of a field F is a bijective map sigma:F->F that preserves all of F's algebraic properties, more precisely, it is an isomorphism. For example, complex ...
