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661 - 670 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results
A linear operator A:D(A)->H from its domain D(A) into a Hilbert space H is closable if it has a closed extension B:D(B)->H where D(A) subset D(B). Closable operators are ...
If k is the elliptic modulus of an elliptic integral or elliptic function, then k^'=sqrt(1-k^2) (1) is called the complementary modulus. Complete elliptic integrals with ...
Let z=x+iy and f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) on some region G containing the point z_0. If f(z) satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations and has continuous first partial derivatives in ...
The modulus of a complex number z, also called the complex norm, is denoted |z| and defined by |x+iy|=sqrt(x^2+y^2). (1) If z is expressed as a complex exponential (i.e., a ...
A general mathematical property obeyed by mathematical objects in which all elements are within a neighborhood of nearby points. The continuous maps between topological ...
A set function mu possesses countable additivity if, given any countable disjoint collection of sets {E_k}_(k=1)^n on which mu is defined, mu( union ...
Let X be a set and S a collection of subsets of X. A set function mu:S->[0,infty] is said to possess countable monotonicity provided that, whenever a set E in S is covered by ...
The coversine is a little-used entire trigonometric function defined by covers(z) = versin(1/2pi-z) (1) = 1-sinz, (2) where versin(z) is the versine and sinz is the sine. The ...
Let F be the Maclaurin series of a meromorphic function f with a finite or infinite number of poles at points z_k, indexed so that 0<|z_1|<=|z_2|<=|z_3|<=..., then a pole ...
A sequence s_n^((lambda))(x)=[h(t)]^lambdas_n(x), where s_n(x) is a Sheffer sequence, h(t) is invertible, and lambda ranges over the real numbers is called a Steffensen ...