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5191 - 5200 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

A method for constructing magic squares of singly even order n>=6.
Given a positive integer n, a labeled n-digraph is a digraph whose vertex set is {1,...,n}.
The Labs septic is a septic surface having 99 ordinary double points, which is the maximum number known for any septic surface.
A lag system, introduced by Wang (1963), is a sort of opposite to a tag system. Lag systems allow dependence on more than just the first element, but remove only the first ...
A quantity involving primitive cube roots of unity which can be used to solve the cubic equation.
A spectrum formed by the Lagrange numbers. The only ones less than three are the Lagrange numbers, but the last gaps end at Freiman's constant. Real numbers larger than ...
Coefficients which appear in Lagrange interpolating polynomials where the points are equally spaced along the abscissa.
The recurrence relation (n-1)A_(n+1)=(n^2-1)A_n+(n+1)A_(n-1)+4(-1)^n valid for n=4, 5, ... with A(2)=0 and A(3)=1 and which solves the married couples problem (Dörrie 1965, ...
Let a graph G have exactly 2n-3 graph edges, where n is the number of graph vertices in G. Then G is "generically" rigid in R^2 iff e^'<=2n^'-3 for every subgraph of G having ...
The Lambert cylindrical equal-area projection is a cylindrical equal-area projection with standard parallel phi_s=0 degrees.
