Search Results for "Fractional Calculus"
4831 - 4840 of 13135 for Fractional CalculusSearch Results

The H-fractal is a fractal constructed by starting with the line segments corresponding to a capital letter H, then iteratively placing smaller H's centered at the top and ...
The difference H_2-H_1, where H_1 and H_2 are hinges. It is the same as the interquartile range for N=5, 9, 13, ... points.
A knot move illustrated above. Two knots cannot be distinguished using Vassiliev invariants of order <=n iff they are related by a sequence of such moves (Habiro 2000). There ...
A symmetric block design (4n+3, 2n+1, n) which is equivalent to a Hadamard matrix of order 4n+4. It is conjectured that Hadamard designs exist for all integers n>0, but this ...
Let |A| be an n×n determinant with complex (or real) elements a_(ij), then |A|!=0 if |a_(ii)|>sum_(j=1; j!=i)^n|a_(ij)|.
Every graph with n vertices and maximum vertex degree Delta(G)<=k is (k+1)-colorable with all color classes of size |_n/(k+1)_| or [n/(k+1)], where |_x_| is the floor ...
The Hajós number h(G) of a graph G is the maximum k such that G contains a subdivision of the complete graph K_k.
The half-altitude circle is the circumcircle of the half-altitude triangle. The circle function is given by l=(f(a,b,c))/(128a^2b^3c^3cosAcosBcosC), (1) where (2) which is ...
An interval in which one endpoint is included but not the other. A half-closed interval is denoted [a,b) or (a,b] and is also called a half-open interval. The non-standard ...
A half-plane is a planar region consisting of all points on one side of an infinite straight line, and no points on the other side. If the points on the line are included, ...