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The Fourier transform of a Gaussian function f(x)=e^(-ax^2) is given by F_x[e^(-ax^2)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-ax^2)e^(-2piikx)dx (1) = ...
A piecewise regular function that 1. Has a finite number of finite discontinuities and 2. Has a finite number of extrema can be expanded in a Fourier series which converges ...
Let R(x) be the ramp function, then the Fourier transform of R(x) is given by F_x[R(x)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-2piikx)R(x)dx (1) = i/(4pi)delta^'(k)-1/(4pi^2k^2), (2) ...
Consider a string of length 2L plucked at the right end and fixed at the left. The functional form of this configuration is f(x)=x/(2L). (1) The components of the Fourier ...
Consider a square wave f(x) of length 2L. Over the range [0,2L], this can be written as f(x)=2[H(x/L)-H(x/L-1)]-1, (1) where H(x) is the Heaviside step function. Since ...
The Fourier transform of e^(-k_0|x|) is given by F_x[e^(-k_0|x|)](k)=int_(-infty)^inftye^(-k_0|x|)e^(-2piikx)dx = ...
The Fourier transform of the generalized function 1/x is given by F_x(-PV1/(pix))(k) = -1/piPVint_(-infty)^infty(e^(-2piikx))/xdx (1) = ...
Consider a symmetric triangle wave T(x) of period 2L. Since the function is odd, a_0 = 0 (1) a_n = 0, (2) and b_n = (3) = (32)/(pi^2n^2)cos(1/4npi)sin^3(1/4npi) (4) = ...
F_x[cos(2pik_0x)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-2piikx)((e^(2piik_0x)+e^(-2piik_0x))/2)dx (1) = 1/2int_(-infty)^infty[e^(-2pii(k-k_0)x)+e^(-2pii(k+k_0)x)]dx (2) = ...
F_x[sin(2pik_0x)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-2piikx)((e^(2piik_0x)-e^(-2piik_0x))/(2i))dx (1) = 1/2iint_(-infty)^infty[-e^(-2pii(k-k_0)x)+e^(-2pii(k+k_0)x)]dx (2) = ...
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