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841 - 850 of 1192 for Fourier Transform GaussianSearch Results
Ellipsoidal harmonics of the second kind, also known as Lamé functions of the second kind, are variously defined as F_m^p(x)=(2m+1)E_m^p(x) ...
An equivalence relation on a set X is a subset of X×X, i.e., a collection R of ordered pairs of elements of X, satisfying certain properties. Write "xRy" to mean (x,y) is an ...
The Feit-Thompson conjecture asserts that there are no primes p and q for which (p^q-1)/(p-1) and (q^p-1)/(q-1) have a common factor. Parker noticed that if this were true, ...
A Fredholm integral equation of the first kind is an integral equation of the form f(x)=int_a^bK(x,t)phi(t)dt, (1) where K(x,t) is the kernel and phi(t) is an unknown ...
Given a hereditary representation of a number n in base b, let B[b](n) be the nonnegative integer which results if we syntactically replace each b by b+1 (i.e., B[b] is a ...
In the original formulation, a quantity associated with ideal class groups. According to Chevalley's formulation, a Grössencharakter is a multiplicative character of the ...
An apodization function chosen to minimize the height of the highest sidelobe (Hamming and Tukey 1949, Blackman and Tukey 1959). The Hamming function is given by ...
It is always possible to write a sum of sinusoidal functions f(theta)=acostheta+bsintheta (1) as a single sinusoid the form f(theta)=ccos(theta+delta). (2) This can be done ...
In conical coordinates, Laplace's equation can be written ...
As shown by Morse and Feshbach (1953) and Arfken (1970), the Helmholtz differential equation is separable in oblate spheroidal coordinates.
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