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The surface of revolution given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = cosusin(2v) (1) y(u,v) = sinusin(2v) (2) z(u,v) = sinv (3) for u in [0,2pi) and v in [-pi/2,pi/2]. It is ...
Let omega be the cube root of unity (-1+isqrt(3))/2. Then the Eisenstein primes are Eisenstein integers, i.e., numbers of the form a+bomega for a and b integers, such that ...
A quadratic surface which has elliptical cross section. The elliptic paraboloid of height h, semimajor axis a, and semiminor axis b can be specified parametrically by x = ...
The funnel surface is a regular surface and surface of revolution defined by the Cartesian equation z=1/2aln(x^2+y^2) (1) and the parametric equations x(u,v) = ucosv (2) ...
Gabriel's horn, also called Torricelli's trumpet, is the surface of revolution of the function y=1/x about the x-axis for x>=1. It is therefore given by parametric equations ...
The kiss surface is the quintic surface of revolution given by the equation x^2+y^2=(1-z)z^4 (1) that is closely related to the ding-dong surface. It is so named because the ...
A spheroid is an ellipsoid having two axes of equal length, making it a surface of revolution. By convention, the two distinct axis lengths are denoted a and c, and the ...
The term "total curvature" is used in two different ways in differential geometry. The total curvature, also called the third curvature, of a space curve with line elements ...
The trilinear pole of the orthotransversal of a point P is called its orthocorrespondent. The orthocorrespondent of a point P=p:q:r is given by where S_A, S_B, and S_C is ...
The dodecahedral graph is the Platonic graph corresponding to the connectivity of the vertices of a dodecahedron, illustrated above in four embeddings. The left embedding ...
