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501 - 510 of 996 for Fast Fourier TransformSearch Results

Any linear combination of real spherical harmonics A_lP_l(costheta)+sum_(m=1)^l[A_l^mcos(mphi)+B_l^msin(mphi)]P_l^m(costheta) for l fixed whose sum is not premultiplied by a ...
The application of characteristic p methods in commutative algebra, which is a synthesis of some areas of commutative algebra and algebraic geometry.
For a set of positive gamma_k, k=0, 1, 2..., Turán's inequalities are given by gamma_k^2-gamma_(k-1)gamma_(k+1)>=0 for k=1, 2, ....
An ultrametric is a metric which satisfies the following strengthened version of the triangle inequality, d(x,z)<=max(d(x,y),d(y,z)) for all x,y,z. At least two of d(x,y), ...
A sequence of numbers alpha_n is said to be uncorrelated if it satisfies lim_(n->infty)1/(2n)sum_(m=-n)^nalpha_m^2=1 lim_(n->infty)1/(2n)sum_(m=-n)^nalpha_malpha_(k+m)=0 for ...
Roughly speaking, isospectral manifolds are drums that sound the same, i.e., have the same eigenfrequency spectrum. Two drums with differing area, perimeter, or genus can ...
Define q=e^(2piitau) (cf. the usual nome), where tau is in the upper half-plane. Then the modular discriminant is defined by ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates in which two sets of coordinate surfaces are obtained by revolving the curves of the elliptic cylindrical coordinates about the x-axis, ...
A quantity which changes sign when indices are reversed. For example, A_(ij)=a_i-a_j is antisymmetric since A_(ij)=-A_(ji).
A topological space.
