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For a real positive t, the Riemann-Siegel Z function is defined by Z(t)=e^(itheta(t))zeta(1/2+it). (1) This function is sometimes also called the Hardy function or Hardy ...
Rule 90 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
A triangle center function (sometimes simply called a center function) is a nonzero function f(a,b,c) that is homogeneous f(ta,tb,tc)=t^nf(a,b,c) (1) bisymmetry in b and c, ...
The asymptotic form of the n-step Bernoulli distribution with parameters p and q=1-p is given by P_n(k) = (n; k)p^kq^(n-k) (1) ∼ 1/(sqrt(2pinpq))e^(-(k-np)^2/(2npq)) (2) ...
The tangent function is defined by tanx=(sinx)/(cosx), (1) where sinx is the sine function and cosx is the cosine function. The notation tgx is sometimes also used ...
In general, a tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four sides. If all faces are congruent, the tetrahedron is known as an isosceles tetrahedron. If all faces are congruent to an ...
Angle trisection is the division of an arbitrary angle into three equal angles. It was one of the three geometric problems of antiquity for which solutions using only compass ...
A Boolean algebra is a mathematical structure that is similar to a Boolean ring, but that is defined using the meet and join operators instead of the usual addition and ...
Find the shape of the curve down which a bead sliding from rest and accelerated by gravity will slip (without friction) from one point to another in the least time. The term ...
If two numbers b and c have the property that their difference b-c is integrally divisible by a number m (i.e., (b-c)/m is an integer), then b and c are said to be "congruent ...
