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A matrix whose elements may contain complex numbers. The matrix product of two 2×2 complex matrices is given by (1) where R_(11) = ...
Given relatively prime integers p and q (i.e., (p,q)=1), the Dedekind sum is defined by s(p,q)=sum_(i=1)^q((i/q))(((pi)/q)), (1) where ((x))={x-|_x_|-1/2 x not in Z; 0 x in ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
All the propositions in projective geometry occur in dual pairs which have the property that, starting from either proposition of a pair, the other can be immediately ...
The free module of rank n over a nonzero unit ring R, usually denoted R^n, is the set of all sequences {a_1,a_2,...,a_n} that can be formed by picking n (not necessarily ...
The Galton board, also known as a quincunx or bean machine, is a device for statistical experiments named after English scientist Sir Francis Galton. It consists of an ...
In continuum percolation theory, the so-called germ-grain model is an obvious generalization of both the Boolean and Boolean-Poisson models which is driven by an arbitrary ...
Consider the recurrence equation defined by a_0=m and a_n=|_sqrt(2a_(n-1)(a_(n-1)+1))_|, (1) where |_x_| is the floor function. Graham and Pollak actually defined a_1=m, but ...
An important theorem in plane geometry, also known as Hero's formula. Given the lengths of the sides a, b, and c and the semiperimeter s=1/2(a+b+c) (1) of a triangle, Heron's ...
In the early 1950s, Ernst Straus asked 1. Is every region illuminable from every point in the region? 2. Is every region illuminable from at least one point in the region? ...
