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431 - 440 of 524 for Factors, multiples, and divisibilitySearch Results
The prime HP(n) reached starting from a number n, concatenating its prime factors, and repeating until a prime is reached. For example, for n=9, 9=3·3->33=3·11->311, so 311 ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Horton, illustrated above. The first is a graph on 96 nodes providing a counterexample to the Tutte conjecture that every ...
A number n is called k-hyperperfect if n = 1+ksum_(i)d_i (1) = 1+k[sigma(n)-n-1], (2) where sigma(n) is the divisor function and the summation is over the proper divisors ...
In spherical coordinates, the scale factors are h_r=1, h_theta=rsinphi, h_phi=r, and the separation functions are f_1(r)=r^2, f_2(theta)=1, f_3(phi)=sinphi, giving a Stäckel ...
Let there be three polynomials a(x), b(x), and c(x) with no common factors such that a(x)+b(x)=c(x). Then the number of distinct roots of the three polynomials is one or more ...
The minimal polynomial of a matrix A is the monic polynomial in A of smallest degree n such that p(A)=sum_(i=0)^nc_iA^i=0. (1) The minimal polynomial divides any polynomial q ...
The Mordell conjecture states that Diophantine equations that give rise to surfaces with two or more holes have only finite many solutions in Gaussian integers with no common ...
A Smarandache-like function which is defined where S_k(n) is defined as the smallest integer for which n|S_k(n)^k. The Smarandache S_k(n) function can therefore be obtained ...
The transformation S[{a_n}_(n=0)^N] of a sequence {a_n}_(n=0)^N into a sequence {b_n}_(n=0)^N by the formula b_n=sum_(k=0)^NS(n,k)a_k, (1) where S(n,k) is a Stirling number ...
The sequence defined by e_0=2 and the quadratic recurrence equation e_n=1+product_(i=0)^(n-1)e_i=e_(n-1)^2-e_(n-1)+1. (1) This sequence arises in Euclid's proof that there ...
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