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591 - 600 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results

The permanent is an analog of a determinant where all the signs in the expansion by minors are taken as positive. The permanent of a matrix A is the coefficient of x_1...x_n ...
The Pippenger product is an unexpected Wallis-like formula for e given by e/2=(2/1)^(1/2)(2/34/3)^(1/4)(4/56/56/78/7)^(1/8)... (1) (OEIS A084148 and A084149; Pippenger 1980). ...
Consider the sequence {x_n}_(n=0)^infty defined by x_0=1 and x_(n+1)=[3/2x_n], where [z] is the ceiling function. For n=0, 1, ..., the first few terms are 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, ...
Suppose that in some neighborhood of x=0, F(x)=sum_(k=0)^infty(phi(k)(-x)^k)/(k!) (1) for some function (say analytic or integrable) phi(k). Then ...
The sum of reciprocal multifactorials can be given in closed form by the beautiful formula m(n) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)1/(n!...!_()_(k)) (1) = ...
Rodrigues' rotation formula gives an efficient method for computing the rotation matrix R in SO(3) corresponding to a rotation by an angle theta about a fixed axis specified ...
Specifying three sides uniquely determines a triangle whose area is given by Heron's formula, K=sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), (1) where s=1/2(a+b+c) (2) is the semiperimeter of the ...
Sabermetrics is the study of baseball statistics. Bill James, coiner of the term, defined it more precisely as "the search for objective knowledge about baseball." The term ...
Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then every even function h(rho) analytic in ...
Self-recursion is a recursion that is defined in terms of itself, resulting in an ill-defined infinite regress. The formula for the volume of a cylinder leads to the ...
