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511 - 520 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results

A modification of Legendre's formula for the prime counting function pi(x). It starts with |_x_| = (1) where |_x_| is the floor function, P_2(x,a) is the number of integers ...
The number of multisets of length k on n symbols is sometimes termed "n multichoose k," denoted ((n; k)) by analogy with the binomial coefficient (n; k). n multichoose k is ...
The symbol +/- is used to denote a quantity which should be both added and subtracted, as in a+/-b. The symbol can be used to denote a range of uncertainty, or to denote a ...
A quadratic polynomial is a polynomial of degree 2. A univariate quadratic polynomial has the form f(x)=a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0. An equation involving a quadratic polynomial is ...
A Taylor series remainder formula that gives after n terms of the series R_n=(f^((n+1))(x^*))/(n!p)(x-x^*)^(n+1-p)(x-x_0)^p for x^* in (x_0,x) and any p>0 (Blumenthal 1926, ...
Consider a formula in prenex normal form, Q_1x_1...Q_nx_nN. If Q_i is the existential quantifier (1<=i<=n) and x_k, ..., x_m are all the universal quantifier variables such ...
Define the notation [n]f_0=f_(-(n-1)/2)+...+f_0+...+f_((n-1)/2) (1) and let delta be the central difference, so delta^2f_0=f_1-2f_0+f_(-1). (2) Spencer's 21-term moving ...
A formula also known as the Legendre addition theorem which is derived by finding Green's functions for the spherical harmonic expansion and equating them to the generating ...
If P(n) is a sentential formula depending on a variable n ranging in a set of real numbers, the sentence P(n) for every sufficiently large n (1) means exists N such that P(n) ...
Let T(x,y,z) be the number of times "otherwise" is called in the TAK function, then the Takeuchi numbers are defined by T_n(n,0,n+1). A recursive formula for T_n is given by ...
