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461 - 470 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results

A cubic equation is an equation involving a cubic polynomial, i.e., one of the form a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0=0. Since a_3!=0 (or else the polynomial would be quadratic and not ...
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, Y_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and K_nu(z) a modified Bessel function of the first kind. Also let R[z]>0 ...
Let p>3 be a prime number, then 4(x^p-y^p)/(x-y)=R^2(x,y)-(-1)^((p-1)/2)pS^2(x,y), where R(x,y) and S(x,y) are homogeneous polynomials in x and y with integer coefficients. ...
A root-finding algorithm also known as the tangent hyperbolas method or Halley's rational formula. As in Halley's irrational formula, take the second-order Taylor series ...
The Poisson sum formula is a special case of the general result sum_(-infty)^inftyf(x+n)=sum_(k=-infty)^inftye^(2piikx)int_(-infty)^inftyf(x^')e^(-2piikx^')dx^' (1) with x=0, ...
The (signed) area of a planar non-self-intersecting polygon with vertices (x_1,y_1), ..., (x_n,y_n) is A=1/2(|x_1 x_2; y_1 y_2|+|x_2 x_3; y_2 y_3|+...+|x_n x_1; y_n y_1|), ...
A formula for the permanent of a matrix perm(a_(ij))=(-1)^nsum_(s subset= {1,...,n})(-1)^(|s|)product_(i=1)^nsum_(j in s)a_(ij), where the sum is over all subsets of ...
Slovin's formula, somtimes also spelled "Sloven's forumula (e.g., Altares et al. 2003, p. 13), is an ad hoc formula lacking mathematical rigor (Ryan 2013) that gives an ...
Let P(1/x) be a linear functional acting according to the formula <P(1/x),phi> = Pint(phi(x))/xdx (1) = ...
A quadrilateral which has an incircle, i.e., one for which a single circle can be constructed which is tangent to all four sides. Opposite sides of such a quadrilateral ...
