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361 - 370 of 1637 for Euler Maclaurin Integration FormulasSearch Results

Trigonometric functions of npi/11 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 11 is not a ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/13 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 13 is not a ...
The trigonometric formulas for pi/5 can be derived using the multiple-angle formula sin(5theta)=5sintheta-20sin^3theta+16sin^5theta. (1) Letting theta=pi/5 and x=sintheta ...
The Engel expansion, also called the Egyptian product, of a positive real number x is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
A prime partition of a positive integer n>=2 is a set of primes p_i which sum to n. For example, there are three prime partitions of 7 since 7=7=2+5=2+2+3. The number of ...
A circumellipse is a circumconic of a triangle that is an ellipse. There is an amazing formula for the area of a circumellipse. Let d_A be the length of the chord of the ...
Polynomials M_k(x) which form the associated Sheffer sequence for f(t)=(e^t-1)/(e^t+1) (1) and have the generating function sum_(k=0)^infty(M_k(x))/(k!)t^k=((1+t)/(1-t))^x. ...
The most general form of "an" exponential function is a power-law function of the form f(x)=ab^(cx+d), (1) where a, c, and d are real numbers, b is a positive real number, ...
Cauchy's integral formula states that f(z_0)=1/(2pii)∮_gamma(f(z)dz)/(z-z_0), (1) where the integral is a contour integral along the contour gamma enclosing the point z_0. It ...
A formula for the generalized Catalan number _pd_(qi). The general formula is (n-q; k-1)=sum_(i=1)^k_pd_(qi)(n-pi; k-i), where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient, although ...
