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91 - 100 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

Truncation is the removal of portions of solids falling outside a set of symmetrically placed planes. The operation implemented as Truncate[polyhedron, r] in the Wolfram ...
The theory of non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms.
A branch point of an analytic function is a point in the complex plane whose complex argument can be mapped from a single point in the domain to multiple points in the range. ...
Minkowski's question mark function is the function y=?(x) defined by Minkowski for the purpose of mapping the quadratic surds in the open interval (0,1) into the rational ...
The Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction is a generalized continued fraction defined by R(q)=(q^(1/5))/(1+q/(1+(q^2)/(1+(q^3)/(1+...)))) (1) (Rogers 1894, Ramanujan 1957, ...
A non-Euclidean space with constant negative Gaussian curvature.
A generalized continued fraction is an expression of the form b_0+(a_1)/(b_1+(a_2)/(b_2+(a_3)/(b_3+...))), (1) where the partial numerators a_1,a_2,... and partial ...
The ratio of two numbers r and s is written r/s, where r is the numerator and s is the denominator. The ratio of r to s is equivalent to the quotient r/s. Betting odds ...
A non-Abelian group all of whose subgroups are self-conjugate.
The Rhind papyrus is a famous document from the Egyptian Middle Kingdom that dates to 1650 BC. It was purchased by Henry Rhind in Egypt in 1858, and placed in the British ...
