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831 - 840 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

A pair of primes (p,q) that sum to an even integer 2n=p+q are known as a Goldbach partition (Oliveira e Silva). Letting r(2n) denote the number of Goldbach partitions of 2n ...
Let N^* be the smallest dimension n of a hypercube such that if the lines joining all pairs of corners are two-colored for any n>=N^*, a complete graph K_4 of one color with ...
A path in a graph G is a subgraph of G that is a path graph (West 2000, p. 20). The length of a path is the number of edges it contains. In most contexts, a path must contain ...
A sequence {a_n}_(n=1)^N forms a (binary) heap if it satisfies a_(|_j/2_|)<=a_j for 2<=j<=N, where |_x_| is the floor function, which is equivalent to a_i<a_(2i) and ...
Given a commutative ring R, an R-algebra H is a Hopf algebra if it has additional structure given by R-algebra homomorphisms Delta:H->H tensor _RH (1) (comultiplication) and ...
Jacobi's imaginary transformations relate elliptic functions to other elliptic functions of the same type but having different arguments. In the case of the Jacobi elliptic ...
Let R(z) be a rational function R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), (1) where z in C^*, C^* is the Riemann sphere C union {infty}, and P and Q are polynomials without common divisors. The ...
A branch of mathematics which brings together ideas from algebraic geometry, linear algebra, and number theory. In general, there are two main types of K-theory: topological ...
In a boarding school there are fifteen schoolgirls who always take their daily walks in rows of threes. How can it be arranged so that each schoolgirl walks in the same row ...
The Königsberg bridge problem asks if the seven bridges of the city of Königsberg (left figure; Kraitchik 1942), formerly in Germany but now known as Kaliningrad and part of ...
