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241 - 250 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

A matchstick graph is a simple graph which has a graph embedding that is planar, for which all distances between vertices have unit distance, and which is non-degenerate (so ...
Given a set X, a set function mu^*:2^X->[0,infty] is said to be an outer measure provided that mu^*(emptyset)=0 and that mu^* is countably monotone, where emptyset is the ...
A class of map projections in which the parallels are represented by a system of non-concentric circular arcs with centers lying on the straight line representing the central ...
The (signed) area of a planar non-self-intersecting polygon with vertices (x_1,y_1), ..., (x_n,y_n) is A=1/2(|x_1 x_2; y_1 y_2|+|x_2 x_3; y_2 y_3|+...+|x_n x_1; y_n y_1|), ...
The index I associated to a symmetric, non-degenerate, and bilinear g over a finite-dimensional vector space V is a nonnegative integer defined by I=max_(W in S)(dimW) where ...
The signature of a non-degenerate quadratic form Q=y_1^2+y_2^2+...+y_p^2-y_(p+1)^2-y_(p+2)^2-...-y_r^2 of rank r is most often defined to be the ordered pair (p,q)=(p,r-p) of ...
The quaternion group is one of the two non-Abelian groups of the five total finite groups of order 8. It is formed by the quaternions +/-1, +/-i, +/-j, and +/-k , denoted Q_8 ...
There are a number of interesting results related to the tiling of squares. For example, M. Laczkovich has shown that there are exactly three shapes of non-right triangles ...
A strongly binary tree is a rooted tree for which the root is adjacent to either zero or two vertices, and all non-root vertices are adjacent to either one or three vertices ...
A cubic map is three-colorable iff each interior region is bounded by an even number of regions. A non-cubic map bounded by an even number of regions is not necessarily ...
