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191 - 200 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

The orthogonal complement of a subspace V of the vector space R^n is the set of vectors which are orthogonal to all elements of V. For example, the orthogonal complement of ...
A group that coincides with its commutator subgroup. If G is a non-Abelian group, its commutator subgroup is a normal subgroup other than the trivial group. It follows that ...
Shephard's conjecture states that every convex polyhedron admits a self-unoverlapping unfolding (Shephard 1975). This question is still unsettled (Malkevitch), though most ...
A Tychonoff plank is a topological space that is an example of a normal space which has a non-normal subset, thus showing that normality is not a hereditary property. Let ...
The connective in logic corresponding to the exclusive nor operation. A XNOR B is equivalent to (A ^ B) v (!A ^ !B), where ^ denotes AND, v denotes OR, and !A denotes NOT. ...
The connective in logic corresponding to the exclusive nor operation. A XNOR B is equivalent to (A ^ B) v (!A ^ !B), where ^ denotes AND, v denotes OR, and !A denotes NOT. ...
Two non-coincident plane angles alpha and beta in angle standard position are said to be coterminal if the terminal side of alpha is identically the same as the terminal side ...
A biconnected graph is a connected graph having no articulation vertices (Skiena 1990, p. 175). An equivalent definition for graphs on more than two vertices is a graph G ...
A division algebra, also called a "division ring" or "skew field," is a ring in which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse, but multiplication is not ...
Bayesian analysis is a statistical procedure which endeavors to estimate parameters of an underlying distribution based on the observed distribution. Begin with a "prior ...
