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1231 - 1240 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

The Weisfeiler-Leman dimension dim_(WL)(G) of a graph G, sometimes known as the WL dimension, is the smallest integer d such that the d-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm ...
The Wiener-Hopf method is a powerful technique which enables certain linear partial differential equations subject to boundary conditions on semi-infinite domains to be ...
The abc conjecture is a conjecture due to Oesterlé and Masser in 1985. It states that, for any infinitesimal epsilon>0, there exists a constant C_epsilon such that for any ...
An Abelian group is a group for which the elements commute (i.e., AB=BA for all elements A and B). Abelian groups therefore correspond to groups with symmetric multiplication ...
An arc-transitive graph, sometimes also called a flag-transitive graph, is a graph whose graph automorphism group acts transitively on its graph arcs (Godsil and Royle 2001, ...
"Chaos" is a tricky thing to define. In fact, it is much easier to list properties that a system described as "chaotic" has rather than to give a precise definition of chaos. ...
A Haar graph H(n) is a bipartite regular indexed by a positive integer and obtained by a simple binary encoding of cyclically adjacent vertices. Haar graphs may be connected ...
A space-filling polyhedron is a polyhedron which can be used to generate a tessellation of space. Although even Aristotle himself proclaimed in his work On the Heavens that ...
A function tau(n) related to the divisor function sigma_k(n), also sometimes called Ramanujan's tau function. It is defined via the Fourier series of the modular discriminant ...
A base-b BBP-type formula is a convergent series formula of the type alpha=sum_(k=0)^infty(p(k))/(b^kq(k)) (1) where p(k) and q(k) are integer polynomials in k (Bailey 2000; ...
