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A computation is an operation that begins with some initial conditions and gives an output which follows from a definite set of rules. The most common example are ...
An n-gonal cupola Q_n is a polyhedron having n obliquely oriented triangular and n rectangular faces separating an {n} and a {2n} regular polygon, each oriented horizontally. ...
The diagonal triangle of a complete quadrangle is the triangle formed by its three diagonal points. If the quadrangle is a cyclic quadrilateral, then the circle is the polar ...
The dihedral group D_6 gives the group of symmetries of a regular hexagon. The group generators are given by a counterclockwise rotation through pi/3 radians and reflection ...
The diminished rhombicosidodecahedron is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(76). This solid is the diminished polyhedron obtained by diminishing a small ...
The divergence theorem, more commonly known especially in older literature as Gauss's theorem (e.g., Arfken 1985) and also known as the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, is a ...
The elongated dodecahedron, also known as the extended rhombic dodecahedron and rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron, is a space-filling polyhedron and primary parallelohedron ...
The elongated pentagonal gyrobicupola is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(39). The unit elongated pentagonal gyrobicupola has volume ...
The elongated pentagonal gyrobirotunda is a convex equilateral gyrobirotunda having regular pentagonal upper and lower birotundas arranged rotated 1/10 of a turn with respect ...
The elongated pentagonal orthobicupola is a convex equilateral solid that is Johnson solid J_(38). The unit elongated pentagonal orthobicupola has volume ...
