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The determination of whether a Turing machine will come to a halt given a particular input program. The halting problem is solvable for machines with less than four states. ...
An important result in valuation theory which gives information on finding roots of polynomials. Hensel's lemma is formally stated as follows. Let (K,|·|) be a complete ...
The hyperbolic cotangent is defined as cothz=(e^z+e^(-z))/(e^z-e^(-z))=(e^(2z)+1)/(e^(2z)-1). (1) The notation cthz is sometimes also used (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. ...
If the square is instead erected internally, their centers form a triangle DeltaI_AI_BI_C that has (exact) trilinear vertex matrix given by (1) (E. Weisstein, Apr. 25, 2004). ...
Integration by parts is a technique for performing indefinite integration intudv or definite integration int_a^budv by expanding the differential of a product of functions ...
A graph G=(V,E) is an interval graph if it captures the intersection relation for some set of intervals on the real line. Formally, P is an interval graph provided that one ...
A polynomial is said to be irreducible if it cannot be factored into nontrivial polynomials over the same field. For example, in the field of rational polynomials Q[x] (i.e., ...
An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides. In the figure above, the two equal sides have length b and the remaining side has length a. This property ...
A tensor which has the same components in all rotated coordinate systems. All rank-0 tensors (scalars) are isotropic, but no rank-1 tensors (vectors) are. The unique rank-2 ...
Given a set y=f(x) of n equations in n variables x_1, ..., x_n, written explicitly as y=[f_1(x); f_2(x); |; f_n(x)], (1) or more explicitly as {y_1=f_1(x_1,...,x_n); |; ...
