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A technically defined extension of the ordinary determinant to "higher dimensional" hypermatrices. Cayley (1845) originally coined the term, but subsequently used it to refer ...
The imaginary part I[z] of a complex number z=x+iy is the real number multiplying i, so I[x+iy]=y. In terms of z itself, I[z]=(z-z^_)/(2i), where z^_ is the complex conjugate ...
An indicial equation, also called a characteristic equation, is a recurrence equation obtained during application of the Frobenius method of solving a second-order ordinary ...
The process of computing or obtaining an integral. A more archaic term for integration is quadrature.
A partially ordered set P=(X,<=) is an interval order if it is isomorphic to some set of intervals on the real line ordered by left-to-right precedence. Formally, P is an ...
The tangent space at a point p in an abstract manifold M can be described without the use of embeddings or coordinate charts. The elements of the tangent space are called ...
A system of coordinates obtained by inversion of the prolate spheroids and two-sheeted hyperboloids in prolate spheroidal coordinates. The inverse prolate spheroidal ...
The Radon inverse transform is an integral transform that has found widespread application in the reconstruction of images from medical CT scans. The Radon and inverse Radon ...
Admitting an inverse. An object that is invertible is referred to as an invertible element in a monoid or a unit ring, or to a map, which admits an inverse map iff it is ...
If an integrable quasiperiodic system is slightly perturbed so that it becomes nonintegrable, only a finite number of n-map cycles remain as a result of mode locking. One ...
