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nu(x) = int_0^infty(x^tdt)/(Gamma(t+1)) (1) nu(x,alpha) = int_0^infty(x^(alpha+t)dt)/(Gamma(alpha+t+1)), (2) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function (Erdélyi et al. 1981, p. ...
The exponential function has two different natural q-extensions, denoted e_q(z) and E_q(z). They are defined by e_q(z) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(z^n)/((q;q)_n) (1) = _1phi_0[0; ...
The number of partitions of n in which no parts are multiples of k is sometimes denoted b_k(n) (Gordon and Ono 1997). b_k(n) is also the number of partitions of n into at ...
The elliptic lambda function lambda(tau) is a lambda-modular function defined on the upper half-plane by lambda(tau)=(theta_2^4(0,q))/(theta_3^4(0,q)), (1) where tau is the ...
Let M(h) be the moment-generating function, then the cumulant generating function is given by K(h) = lnM(h) (1) = kappa_1h+1/(2!)h^2kappa_2+1/(3!)h^3kappa_3+..., (2) where ...
A single-valued function is function that, for each point in the domain, has a unique value in the range. It is therefore one-to-one or many-to-one. A single-valued complex ...
An automorphic function f(z) of a complex variable z is one which is analytic (except for poles) in a domain D and which is invariant under a countably infinite group of ...
A solution to the spherical Bessel differential equation. The two types of solutions are denoted j_n(x) (spherical Bessel function of the first kind) or n_n(x) (spherical ...
Given a subset S subset R^n and a real function f which is Gâteaux differentiable at a point x in S, f is said to be pseudoconvex at x if del f(x)·(y-x)>=0,y in ...
The Dirichlet eta function is the function eta(s) defined by eta(s) = sum_(k=1)^(infty)((-1)^(k-1))/(k^s) (1) = (1-2^(1-s))zeta(s), (2) where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta ...
