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The first de Villiers point is the perspector of the reference triangle and its BCI triangle, which is Kimberling center X_(1127) and has triangle center function ...
The perspector of the first Morley triangle with reference triangle DeltaABC is called the second Morley center. Its triangle center function is alpha_(357)=sec(1/3A), which ...
A transform which localizes a function both in space and scaling and has some desirable properties compared to the Fourier transform. The transform is based on a wavelet ...
The dilogarithm Li_2(z) is a special case of the polylogarithm Li_n(z) for n=2. Note that the notation Li_2(x) is unfortunately similar to that for the logarithmic integral ...
The nth raw moment mu_n^' (i.e., moment about zero) of a distribution P(x) is defined by mu_n^'=<x^n>, (1) where <f(x)>={sumf(x)P(x) discrete distribution; intf(x)P(x)dx ...
Consider a power series in a complex variable z g(z)=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nz^n (1) that is convergent within the open disk D:|z|<R. Convergence is limited to within D by the ...
Given a circle expressed in trilinear coordinates by a central circle is a circle such that l:m:n is a triangle center and k is a homogeneous function that is symmetric in ...
An ordinary differential equation (frequently called an "ODE," "diff eq," or "diffy Q") is an equality involving a function and its derivatives. An ODE of order n is an ...
A recursive process is one in which objects are defined in terms of other objects of the same type. Using some sort of recurrence relation, the entire class of objects can ...
The function frac(x) giving the fractional (noninteger) part of a real number x. The symbol {x} is sometimes used instead of frac(x) (Graham et al. 1994, p. 70; Havil 2003, ...
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