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401 - 410 of 493 for Elongated Triangular PyramidSearch Results
Cospectral graphs, also called isospectral graphs, are graphs that share the same graph spectrum. The smallest pair of isospectral graphs is the graph union C_4 union K_1 and ...
Given an undirected graph, a degree sequence is a monotonic nonincreasing sequence of the vertex degrees (valencies) of its graph vertices. The number of degree sequences for ...
The distance between two points is the length of the path connecting them. In the plane, the distance between points (x_1,y_1) and (x_2,y_2) is given by the Pythagorean ...
The double factorial of a positive integer n is a generalization of the usual factorial n! defined by n!!={n·(n-2)...5·3·1 n>0 odd; n·(n-2)...6·4·2 n>0 even; 1 n=-1,0. (1) ...
The Eisenstein integers, sometimes also called the Eisenstein-Jacobi integers (Finch 2003, p. 601), are numbers of the form a+bomega, where a and b are normal integers, ...
The Galton board, also known as a quincunx or bean machine, is a device for statistical experiments named after English scientist Sir Francis Galton. It consists of an ...
Gaussian elimination is a method for solving matrix equations of the form Ax=b. (1) To perform Gaussian elimination starting with the system of equations [a_(11) a_(12) ... ...
A geodesic dome is a triangulation of a Platonic solid or other polyhedron to produce a close approximation to a sphere (or hemisphere). The nth order geodesation operation ...
The bandwidth of a connected graph G is the minimum matrix bandwidth among all possible adjacency matrices of graphs isomorphic to G. Equivalently, it is the minimum graph ...
For a connected bipartite graph G, the halved graph G^+ and G^- are the two connected components of the distance 2-graph of G. The following table summarizes some named ...
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