
Search Results for "Elongated Square Dipyramid"

911 - 920 of 1287 for Elongated Square DipyramidSearch Results
The Meringer graph is one of the four (5,5)-cage graphs, discovered by Meringer (1999) after it had long been thought that only three such cages existed. Like the other ...
Expressions of the form lim_(k->infty)x_0+sqrt(x_1+sqrt(x_2+sqrt(...+x_k))) (1) are called nested radicals. Herschfeld (1935) proved that a nested radical of real nonnegative ...
The paw graph is the 3-pan graph, which is also isomorphic to the (3,1)-tadpole graph. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["PawGraph"].
The Perkel graph is a weakly regular graph on 57 vertices and 171 edges, shown above in several embeddings. It is the unique distance-regular graph with intersection array ...
A point lattice is a regularly spaced array of points. In the plane, point lattices can be constructed having unit cells in the shape of a square, rectangle, hexagon, etc. ...
An n×n complex matrix A is called positive definite if R[x^*Ax]>0 (1) for all nonzero complex vectors x in C^n, where x^* denotes the conjugate transpose of the vector x. In ...
Find the m×n array of single digits which contains the maximum possible number of primes, where allowable primes may lie along any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. For ...
If A moves along a known curve, then P describes a pursuit curve if P is always directed toward A and A and P move with uniform velocities. Pursuit curves were considered in ...
A semiprime, also called a 2-almost prime, biprime (Conway et al. 2008), or pq-number, is a composite number that is the product of two (possibly equal) primes. The first few ...
The snub cube, also called the cubus simus (Kepler 1619, Weissbach and Martini 2002) or snub cuboctahedron, is an Archimedean solid having 38 faces (32 triangular and 6 ...
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