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1541 - 1550 of 1736 for Elliptic Integralofthe Second KindSearch Results
As a part of the study of Waring's problem, it is known that every positive integer is a sum of no more than 9 positive cubes (g(3)=9), that every "sufficiently large" ...
A symmetry of a knot K is a homeomorphism of R^3 which maps K onto itself. More succinctly, a knot symmetry is a homeomorphism of the pair of spaces (R^3,K). Hoste et al. ...
Roughly speaking, the metric tensor g_(ij) is a function which tells how to compute the distance between any two points in a given space. Its components can be viewed as ...
Minimal surfaces are defined as surfaces with zero mean curvature. A minimal surface parametrized as x=(u,v,h(u,v)) therefore satisfies Lagrange's equation, ...
Unlike quadratic, cubic, and quartic polynomials, the general quintic cannot be solved algebraically in terms of a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, ...
A repunit prime is a repunit (i.e., a number consisting of copies of the single digit 1) that is also a prime number. The base-10 repunit (possibly probable) primes ...
A strong pseudoprime to a base a is an odd composite number n with n-1=d·2^s (for d odd) for which either a^d=1 (mod n) (1) or a^(d·2^r)=-1 (mod n) (2) for some r=0, 1, ..., ...
The first Brocard point is the interior point Omega (also denoted tau_1 or Z_1) of a triangle DeltaABC with points labeled in counterclockwise order for which the angles ...
A graph G is hypohamiltonian if G is nonhamiltonian, but G-v is Hamiltonian for every v in V (Bondy and Murty 1976, p. 61). The Petersen graph, which has ten nodes, is the ...
If r is a root of a nonzero polynomial equation a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0=0, (1) where the a_is are integers (or equivalently, rational numbers) and r satisfies no ...