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A CW-complex is a homotopy-theoretic generalization of the notion of a simplicial complex. A CW-complex is any space X which can be built by starting off with a discrete ...
The term "Cartan algebra" has two meanings in mathematics, so care is needed in determining from context which meaning is intended. One meaning is a "Cartan subalgebra," ...
Let g be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over some field k. A subalgebra h of g is called a Cartan subalgebra if it is nilpotent and equal to its normalizer, which is the ...
Each Cartan matrix determines a unique semisimple complex Lie algebra via the Chevalley-Serre, sometimes called simply the "Serre relations." That is, if (A_(ij)) is a k×k ...
The categorical notion which is dual to product. The coproduct of a family {X_i}_(i in I) of objects of a category is an object C=coproduct_(i in I)X_i, together with a ...
A cyclotomic field Q(zeta) is obtained by adjoining a primitive root of unity zeta, say zeta^n=1, to the rational numbers Q. Since zeta is primitive, zeta^k is also an nth ...
A Lie algebra over an algebraically closed field is called exceptional if it is constructed from one of the root systems E_6, E_7, E_8, F_4, and G_2 by the Chevalley ...
A field automorphism of a field F is a bijective map sigma:F->F that preserves all of F's algebraic properties, more precisely, it is an isomorphism. For example, complex ...
For any sequence of integers 0<n_1<...<n_k, there is a flag manifold of type (n_1, ..., n_k) which is the collection of ordered sets of vector subspaces of R^(n_k) (V_1, ..., ...
If there exists a one-to-one correspondence between two subgroups and subfields such that G(E(G^')) = G^' (1) E(G(E^')) = E^', (2) then E is said to have a Galois theory. A ...
