
Search Results for "Eight Point Circle Theorem"

4751 - 4760 of 4827 for Eight Point Circle TheoremSearch Results
The generalized Petersen graph GP(n,k), also denoted P(n,k) (Biggs 1993, p. 119; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 215), for n>=3 and 1<=k<=|_(n-1)/2_| is a connected cubic graph ...
The graph distance matrix, sometimes also called the all-pairs shortest path matrix, is the square matrix (d_(ij)) consisting of all graph distances from vertex v_i to vertex ...
The likelihood of a simple graph is defined by starting with the set S_1={(K_11)}. The following procedure is then iterated to produce a set of graphs G_n of order n. At step ...
A group G is a finite or infinite set of elements together with a binary operation (called the group operation) that together satisfy the four fundamental properties of ...
The Hadwiger-Nelson problem asks for the chromatic number of the plane, i.e., the minimum number of colors needed to color the plane if no two points at unit distance one ...
A Hamilton decomposition (also called a Hamiltonian decomposition; Bosák 1990, p. 123) of a Hamiltonian regular graph is a partition of its edge set into Hamiltonian cycles. ...
A Hamiltonian graph, also called a Hamilton graph, is a graph possessing a Hamiltonian cycle. A graph that is not Hamiltonian is said to be nonhamiltonian. A Hamiltonian ...
A helix, sometimes also called a coil, is a curve for which the tangent makes a constant angle with a fixed line. The shortest path between two points on a cylinder (one not ...
The scalar form of Laplace's equation is the partial differential equation del ^2psi=0, (1) where del ^2 is the Laplacian. Note that the operator del ^2 is commonly written ...
The least common multiple of two numbers a and b, variously denoted LCM(a,b) (this work; Zwillinger 1996, p. 91; Råde and Westergren 2004, p. 54), lcm(a,b) (Gellert et al. ...
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