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A multiple integral is a set of integrals taken over n>1 variables, e.g., int...int_()_(n)f(x_1,...,x_n)dx_1...dx_n. An nth-order integral corresponds, in general, to an ...
The circle passing through the isodynamic points S and S^' and the triangle centroid G of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 (Kimberling 1998, pp. 227-228). The Parry circle has ...
The path covering number (or path-covering number; Slater 1972) of a graph G, variously denoted as summarized below, is the minimum number of vertex-disjoint paths that cover ...
A polyhedron dissection (or decomposition) is a dissection of one or more polyhedra into other shapes. Two polyhedra can be dissected into each other iff they have equal Dehn ...
Porter's constant is the constant appearing in formulas for the efficiency of the Euclidean algorithm, C = (6ln2)/(pi^2)[3ln2+4gamma-(24)/(pi^2)zeta^'(2)-2]-1/2 (1) = ...
A quadratic form involving n real variables x_1, x_2, ..., x_n associated with the n×n matrix A=a_(ij) is given by Q(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=a_(ij)x_ix_j, (1) where Einstein ...
The term "quotient" is most commonly used to refer to the ratio q=r/s of two quantities r and s, where s!=0. Less commonly, the term quotient is also used to mean the integer ...
The mathematical study of combinatorial objects in which a certain degree of order must occur as the scale of the object becomes large. Ramsey theory is named after Frank ...
In his famous paper of 1859, Riemann stated that the number N(T) of Riemann zeta function zeros sigma+it with 0<t<=T is asymptotically given by ...
The Rogers-Selberg identities are a set of three analytic q-series identities of Rogers-Ramanujan-type appearing as equation 33, 32, and 31 in Slater (1952), A(q) = ...
