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A linear functional on a real vector space V is a function T:V->R, which satisfies the following properties. 1. T(v+w)=T(v)+T(w), and 2. T(alphav)=alphaT(v). When V is a ...
There are a number of attractive polyhedron compounds consisting of ten octahedra. These compounds will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram Language as ...
The Pappus configuration is the 9_3 configuration illustrated above that appears in Pappus's hexagon theorem. It is one of the three 9_3 configurations. The Levi graph of the ...
A tensor-like object which reverses sign under inversion. Given a transformation matrix A, A_(ij)^'=det|A|a_(ik)a_(jl)A_(kl), where det is the determinant. A pseudotensor is ...
A normed vector space X=(X,||·||_X) is said to be uniformly convex if for sequences {x_n}={x_n}_(n=1)^infty, {y_n}={y_n}_(n=1)^infty, the assumptions ||x_n||_X<=1, ...
The sequence {F_n-1} is complete even if restricted to subsequences which contain no two consecutive terms, where F_n is a Fibonacci number.
The Archimedean solids in general have many stellations. Examples of Archimedean solid stellations include the dodecadodecahedron and great icosidodecahedron. The following ...
Let (P,B) denote a configuration with v points P={p_1,...,p_v} and b lines ("blocks") B=(B_1,...,B_b). Then the Levi graph L(P,B), also called the incidence graph, of a ...
Reciprocation is an incidence-preserving transformation in which points are transformed into their polars. A projective geometry-like duality principle holds for ...
For omega a differential (k-1)-form with compact support on an oriented k-dimensional manifold with boundary M, int_Mdomega=int_(partialM)omega, (1) where domega is the ...
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