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The radius rho of the midsphere of a polyhedron, also called the interradius. Let P be a point on the original polyhedron and P^' the corresponding point P on the dual. Then ...
A polyhedron is said to be canonical if all its polyhedron edges touch a sphere and the center of gravity of their contact points is the center of that sphere. In other ...
The deltoidal hexecontahedron is the 60-faced dual polyhedron of the small rhombicosidodecahedron A_5. It is sometimes also called the trapezoidal hexecontahedron (Holden ...
The deltoidal icositetrahedron is the 24-faced dual polyhedron of the small rhombicuboctahedron A_6 and Wenninger dual W_(13). It is also called the trapezoidal ...
700 The great triambic icosahedron is the dual of the great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron U_(47) and Wenninger model W_(87) whose appearance is the same as the medial triambic ...
The pentakis dodecahedron is the 60-faced dual polyhedron of the truncated icosahedron A_(11) (Holden 1971, p. 55). It is Wenninger dual W_9. It can be constructed by ...
The great icosahedron, not to be confused with the great icosidodecahedron orgreat icosicosidodecahedron, is the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedronhose dual is the great stellated ...
The usual type of vector, which can be viewed as a contravariant tensor ("ket") of tensor rank 1. Contravariant vectors are dual to one-forms ("bras," a.k.a. covariant ...
A hosohedron is a regular tiling or map on a sphere composed of p digons or spherical lunes, all with the same two vertices and the same vertex angles, 2pi/p. Its Schläfli ...
D^*Dpsi=del ^*del psi+1/4Rpsi-1/2F_L^+(psi), where D is the Dirac operator D:Gamma(W^+)->Gamma(W^-), del is the covariant derivative on spinors, R is the scalar curvature, ...
